Monica Baker

I moved to the Southwest in 1997 after meeting my now husband Tim. I began my Vet nursing career in 2005 by completing a traineeship at Dardanup Vet Centre through Swan Tafe. After working in Dardanup for 12 years, I stopped nursing for a few years, we bought our house in Capel and I concentrated on raising our 2 kids.

It was hard to get back into a vet nursing job as I had been out of the field for around 5 years. I am so grateful to Geovet for giving me the opportunity to become requalified again since I started working here in January 2022. I am lucky to work out of both the Capel and Busselton clinics. My passions are surgical nursing, emergency care and I generally just love dealing with all kinds of animals.

We have 3 boxer dogs Boss, Heidi and Luna, a cat Nitro and a bunny Benjamin. Most of my spare time is spent with my family or out in our garden.