It’s snake season

The sun is shining and the days are warm. Snakes are out and about and the Vets at GEOvet have already treated many snake bites this season.

Clinical signs associated with snake bite:

  • Shaking, twitching, weakness of the muscles
  • Respiratory difficulty
  • Salivation, drooling, frothing
  • Dilated pupils
  • Urination, defaecation, vomiting
  • In later stages paralysis or collapse

If you suspect that your pet has been bitten bring him/her to us immediately.  Snake bites are an emergency.  Timing is essential for successful treatment.

(For more detailed information see our GEOvet App on your iphone)

We also have Snake Repellents available from all of our clinics that could save your pet and your children from Snake Bite.


We have Snake Repellents available from all of our clinics that could save your pet and your children from Snake Bite!

See our First Aid advice on snake bites here.